Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lebanon & japanese product_Momoko

Lebanese fashion is living fantasy . Lebanese fashion designers put create Haute Couture designers wear that speaks opulence. The mixtures of rich colors and fabrics, silks, chiffon's, and embellishments crystals, diamonds, lace, pearls, Makes it hard to resist the Bollywood style dresses, however to market to American women,the gowns are a little to extravagant. to market to Women in the US the clothing has to be functional , practical wear for the everyday business women. Women in Lebanon have lots of free which they spend taking care of themselves, dressing up to the nines to impress girlfriends. In Lebanese society , it is patriarchal , The men are head of household due to Islam & Christianity the two main religions. So for Lebanese designers to increase the current market the labor force for women in Lebanon has to change first which would lead to designers creating ready to wear clothing that is geared toward work clothing.

designers: Basil soda and Abi Nader


Japanese product: Fashion doll Momoko

In America right now , there is a craze for everything Japanese .Since western colonization the Japanese have prided tthemselves in being innovators that create with accuracy, quality, and imagination. Animae or Japanese animation is a huge market , conventions year round in different cities cator to comic book, video game,and cartoon fans. The aesthetic appeal of the wide eyed, wild haired , and fashionably dressed Asian look has become a phenomenon, so miniature icons were created for people to take home :Momoko-the new Barbie & the pullip doll

Momoko retails a $89.00 to $ 100.

Pullip $100-200

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