Wednesday, September 3, 2008

South American heat: Brazil fashion & designer Ivan Aguilar

Brazil: the largest nation in South America with the a huge impact on trends and styles. Fashion labels like Zara,Mango, and Ivan Aguilar are internationally known brands that are spreading Spanish drama everywhere. the Latin male silhouette is fitted, wide shoulder jackets & blazer with unique cuts and style lines. The colors are neutral : white,cool grey, brown , purples,pastel pinks, reds,brown s, and black. Many of the coats have a higher collars with a lot of detail: straps , buttons , metallic,and leather. The fibers are lightly woven cotton, silk, rayon, and leather. Big name south American designer Ivan Aguilar is utilizing the same key elements in his collection that Zara & Mango are, all fitted men's wear, sexy , sleek , and edgy. The drama is added to the clothing in the rich colors:reds, pastels, white, and purple. The fabrics are leather and cotton .

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